2022 Taipei Expo

2022 Taipei Expo

What will be the future of Taipei look like?  In the past eight years, Taipei has faced many challenges.  It faces the problems and solve them to create meaningful city transformations with impacts that will last for years to come.  From August 27 to September 11, the City of Taipei invites all to re-witness the new images of Taipei in the Taipei City Expo Exhibition, titled, the Future is Now.

The 2022 Taipei City Expo will display in a mix of online and offline exhibition formats focusing on “Taipei’s Future” through Sustainable Development, Urban Regeneration, Opening of Taipei, Inclusive Society, Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Smart City.  The key is to demonstrate how to utilize new ways of urban governance to connect the old and the new while maintaining sustainable development to create an ideal environment for every citizen to enjoy in addition to a smart and diverse city that all can be proud of.